



2018 Chinese Summer Camp at Lih-Jen, Taipei 

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2018 Chinese Summer Camp at Lih-Jen,Taipei


學校簡介School Profile



Lih-Jen International Private School K-9 was founded in 1957. As a fully bilingual school, we place equal emphasis on both Chinese and English. There are 14 English classes per week, equipping every student at Lih-Jen to speak both languages fluently. Parents from all over the world send their children to Lih-Jen during summer vacation for a holistic Chinese learning experience. The 2018 Chinese Summer Camp at Lih-Jen combines effective language immersion with exciting cultural adventures, including field trips and an overnight camping trip with local students. Campers will not only enjoy their summer abroad, but also become more proficient in Mandarin. 



·       提供海外學生在立人全華語環境的薰陶下,輕鬆愉快學習中文。

·       提供海外學生體驗中國傳統文化藝術及民俗技藝。

·       學習認識並尊重東西方文化與不同的生活習慣。

·       Overseas students are able to pick up the language easily in a fully immersive environment.

·       Language learning is balanced with exposure to Chinese cultural traditions and folk art.

·       The Chinese Summer Camp values cultural differences and teaches students to respect others as well.


活動時間 Schedule 

·          201872()727()共計4週,也可選擇2

·          每週自週一至週五,上課五天,08:0016:10

·          學習認識並尊重東西方文化與不同的生活習慣。

·          July 2 (Monday) to July 27 (Friday), 2018, for a total of four weeks (a two-week course is also available)

·           Monday to Friday, 08:0016:10

分班方式 Classes and Leveling

·          36 (幼兒園部依照幼兒園課表學習

·          6歲以上 (小學部)

·        皆依中文程度分班上課

·         3~6 years old (Kindergarten) will follow the kindergarten schedule

·         6~ 12 years old (Elementary)

·         All classes are leveled according to ability

名額Student Qualifications

·    全球海內外學生

·    就讀幼兒園小班、中班、大班及國小一至六年級學生各88名,額滿為止

·      A total of 88 international and local students are welcome to attend

·     Students must be between the ages of 3 to 12 (preschool to Grade Six)


小學Elementary Students

·      4週課程: NT$35,500 (包含4次校外教學活動,兩次21夜住宿體驗)

·      2週課程: NT$29,500 (包含2次校外教學活動,一次21夜住宿體驗)

·     4-week program: NT35,500 (includes 4 field trips and 2 overnight camping trips)

·     2-week program: NT29,500 (includes 2 field trips and 1 overnight camping trip) 



·       4週課程: NT$37,000

·       2週課程: NT$31,000

·       4-week program: NT37,000

·       2-week program: NT31,000


小學部每日課程內容Program Details

·       華語文教材採用教育部課程標準審定國語文教材並搭配僑委會編輯的華語教本,初級班學習重點:「注音符號」正音教學,教導孩子辨識「注音符號」,瞭解中國的文字與文化,將所學應用於日常生活中,提升華語文的認字、讀與寫作能力。

·       Chinese Language Materials: All of our teaching materials have been approved by the Department of Education and the Overseas Community Affairs Council to ensure successful learning. We emphasize phonetic pronunciation, teach students to recognize the Zhuyin phonetic alphabet, discuss Chinese characters and culture, and engage real-life examples to improve our students’ character recognition, reading, and writing.

·       漢語拼音教學 : 為配合國際學生的學習需求,自編豐富有趣的教材,讓孩子更容易掌握漢語拼音的學習,以提升中文認讀的能力。

·       Pinyin Instruction: Based on current global trends, we have designed our own dynamic pinyin curriculum to assist students in their reading challenges.

·       中國傳統文化藝術書法體驗、讀華語讀物、學習民謠歌曲及詩詞朗誦認識中華語文之美。

·       Traditional Chinese Cultural Arts: From calligraphy, to literary classics, to folk songs and poetry, students will experience the rich beauty of Chinese culture.

·       民俗技藝體驗棉花糖製作、捏麵人、燈籠彩繪、扯鈴、中國結製作、陶藝、童玩體驗、傳統美食DIY等。皆依中文程度分班上課

·       Traditional Chinese Folk Crafts: Students will get to make cotton candy, traditional dough figurines, paint lanterns, play with Chinese yo-yos, create Chinese knots, try pottery, and cook delicious traditional snacks.

·       生活教育:立人重視生活禮儀,注重服裝儀容、學習禮節、長幼有序、應對進退、彬彬有禮。

·       Character Education: Lih-Jen values proper manners, including one’s attire, etiquette, and respect for elders.

3~6 years old (Kindergarten)

·       校外教學:校外教學地點將再另行公布

·       Field Trip: Location TBD

·       21夜住宿體驗:培養孩子獨立性 ,暑假課程更充實有趣!

·       2 Day 1 Night Overnight Camping: We encourage our students to be independent and adventurous.

·       科技融入學習: 科技發展日新月異,立人課程與時代並進,新增3D列印課程、multi touch電腦體驗課程(在未來教室上課)

·       Integrated Technology: As technology advances, so does our curriculum at Lih-Jen. This summer, we have included new 3D printing courses and multi-touch computer classes (located in our Classroom of the Future).

·       傳統美食DIY: 在學校新成立的烹飪教室製作傳統食物製作,例如棉花糖製作、挫冰等等。

·       DIY Chinese Snacks: Students will learn how to make traditional Chinese snacks in our brand new culinary classroom, including cotton candy and shaved ice.

·       本地/國外學生一起學習: 國外學生與本地學生一起上課、一起遊玩,促進彼此的交流,互相鷹架學習,使語言學習成效事半功倍。

·       Cultural Exchange: International and local students will have fully integrated schedules to foster cross-cultural friendships as well as a partner in learning.

·       領導力課程: 課程融合領導力學習,提倡「七個好習慣」,讓孩子學習良好的行為。課程編排多元化,以歌曲、故事、學習單提升孩子領導力的技巧。

·       Leadership Training: The Leader in Me is incorporated into the students’ regular curriculum to promote the Seven Habits of Happy Kids. Through songs, stories, and worksheets, students are able to take responsibility and become outstanding leaders from a young age.


報名時間 Application Deadline

·        即日起開始線上報名,至531日額滿為止

·        Online registration is available until May 31 (or until spaces are filled)


電話聯絡: (886-2) 2736-1388 ext107 
Please email to admissions@ljjhps.tp.edu.tw with any inquiries.
Contact Number: (886-2)2736-1388 ext107


