




2017 Summer Katie Pierson

Lih-Jen Summer Camp is a lot of fun. My children (4 of them) have a lot of different activities and project that they do in the class.

I also truly enjoyed the Chinese performance at the end of the camp. When our children sing and dance to popular Chinese poetry song. Amazing!

I highly recommend this summer camp!!!!


2017 暑假 香港家長


真係好推薦既一個Summer camp!


咁個camp本身都多元化,通常上午係學習,下午係活動,小朋友可以自己選擇鍾意既活動參加。然後每星期會去一次field trip,去下唔同地方!


另外老師算好好,會同家長溝通,唔會話因為summer course就唔理人!




2016年7月暑假 謝太太


2016 summer Marylyn

It’s was our first time to Taipei. My boy is 7 years old and didn’t have any foundation in Chinese learning. We are so glad that we chose Lih-Jen Chinese Immersion course for my boy to start learning Chinese. He was very happy and excited to go to school every day. He brought back lots of traditional Chinese crafts, sang Chinese poetry songs almost every day at home. Thanks for all the school teachers and staff, they are super helpful. Highly recommended!


