報名資格: 幼稚園:大班生—年滿5足歲 (當年度9月1日前) 中班生—年滿4足歲 小班生—年滿3足歲 小學部:1.新 生—年滿6足歲 (當年度9月1日前) 2.轉學生—公私立國民小學一~六年級學生、附轉學證明 中學部:1.新 生—公私立國民小學應屆畢業生、附畢業證明 2.轉學生—公私立國民中學七~九年級學生、附轉學證明 ※以上申請登記入學之學生,需設籍台北市。 ※攜帶證件資料: (1)戶口名簿正本 (外僑須檢附居留證正本及所依親屬須設籍臺北市) (2)家長印章 (父或母皆可) | Application Procedures 1. Fill out and return Application for Admission 2. Tour school campus with your child(ren) 3. Attend Admission interview with your child(ren) 4. On campus sign-up on “open enrollment” day* Application Information K and Pre-K – Applicants must be 5 years old for K and 4 years old for Pre-K as of September 1st. Elementary school 1st - 6th grade: Applicants for 1st grade must be 6 years old by September 1st. Applicants for other grades must present transcripts from their previous school. Middle school 7th-9th grade: Applicants for 7th grade must have elementary school diploma or transcript from an overseas school. Applicants for other grades must have a transcript from their previous school. * Open Enrollment Day is the day assigned by the government. Parents who have child(ren) going to enter K, 1st and 7th grade must come to school on that day and register their child(ren) for enrollment in order to obtain admission. At the time parents are required to bring their signature stamp, household registration or alien residency card if a non-Taiwan passport holder. The household must be registered in Taipei City. |
繳費須知 繳費項目: 一、雜 費:每學期繳交。 二、代辦費:開學前註冊時繳交。 代辦費包含:雙語學習指導費、教科書、作業簿本、教材、材料費、社團活動費、服裝代辦費、午餐代辦費等。 退費規定: 一、名額保留費不予退費。 二、學雜費:開學日之前申請,全額退費。開學7週內申請,退30%, 超過 7週者,則完全不予退費。 三、代辦費:開學日之前申請,除英語學習費及制服費外,其餘全額退 費。開學日之後申請,完全不予退費。 四、交通車費:未撘乘之趟數,可退75%。 | Tuition Payment and Fees
Refund policy:
4. School bus: Unused rides are refundable at a discounted rate of 75%. |