2001 歐盟會議ODCE提出21世紀公民的關鍵素養及學生應具備的八大關鍵能力: 一、母語溝通能力 二、外語溝通能力 三、運用科學及數學的基本能力 四、數位學習的能力 五、學習如何學的能力 六、人際互動、參與社會的能力 七、創新及創業的能力 八、藝術人文表達欣賞的能力 立人雙語教育培養孩子充分具備此八大關鍵能力,更有信心迎接未來之挑戰。
幼稚園: 中外籍教師共同將東西方文化的特色設計於課程中,透過充滿趣味的遊戲與活動,讓幼童完全沉浸於雙語的成長學習環境,自然而然的活用雙語於生活中及學習生活自理能力,完成升上小學前的準備。
小學部: 每班都有兩位導師,一位中籍導師和一位外籍導師,英語課程採小班制分組精緻教學,每週14堂課,用英語學習語文、數學和自然,採用Houghton Mifflin、Harcourt、McGraw Hill及Longman出版的教材。當孩子完成國小階段學習時,即能自信的以英語做文字及語言上的流暢互動,並具備銜接國外同級課程的能力。 我們深信「反覆的練習和學習會帶來成功」。在立人,不論在教室內或外,都為孩子及老師們營造了渴望學習的愉悅環境,立人為孩子們奠定雙語能力做好了最完善的準備,必能在世界上的任何角落展開更深更廣的學習。
中學部: 延續小學部的精緻雙語學習,升上中學後,除中外籍英文教師教授會話及文法課程外,另增加全民英檢課程,針對全民英檢測試內容予以加強,期使學生在中學畢業前都能通過全民英檢。
每間教室皆配有液晶電視、電腦網路、單槍投影機、蒸餾水飲水機、冷氣空調等嶄新的設備。健康中心提供孩子身體不適時休息的場所,設有冷熱水兩用的淋浴設施。定期健康檢查、學童身高體重的測量、預防注射、視力追蹤檢查等保健工作。校內的多功能教室、圖書室、電腦教室、自然實驗教室、烹飪教室、體能教室等,提供學生多樣化的探索,讓學習更加有趣。 | At Lih-Jen International Private Elementary and Middle School, one of our responsibilities is to prepare our students to enter a challenging world as well as communicate in both English and Chinese. The bilingual program was introduced in 2002 . In Kindergarten, we have two homeroom teachers, one who teaches Chinese and the other who teaches English. The Elementary academic program includes 14 classes taught in English by a native speaker, and 26 classes taught in Chinese. The publishers we have adopted for our Language Arts, Math and Science curricula include: Houghton Miffin, Spectrum Phonics, Spectrum Reading, Backpack Grammar, Daily Word Problems and Snapshots Science. Children are divided into small groups based on their English ability and learning pace. There are 10 English class periods a week in middle school focusing on grammar and preparation for the entrance test. The regular academic program takes place simultaneously. Students use textbooks that are approved and required by the Department of Education. The 26 class periods taught in Chinese will lay a solid foundation for their reading, writing, listening, and reading skills for further education.
All English native speaking teachers are qualified professionals with creative teaching styles that enhance our students to comfortably communicate with people in two languages. The English classroom is designed to be a comfortable learning environment.
The English program at Lih-Jen International Private School will enable children to pass the Taiwan High School Entrance Exam for higher education if they choose to stay in Taiwan. It will also serve to move on to an English speaking school if they choose to study abroad when they graduate from our middle school.
In addition to learning two languages, children will also learn the importance of good manners, proper habits, and moral values. On top of that children will be able to learn about Eastern and Western culture through many designed activities and school events by both Chinese and English teachers.
All qualified Chinese teachers have Bachelor degrees in Education. Many of them have Master degrees in Science or Art in different subjects. Teachers frequently communicate with the parents by phone or class blog and a communication book. Chinese language arts is as important as English language arts. Children start to learn phonics and Chinese poems in Kindergarten. For 1-6th grade students, there are 7-8 classes of Chinese language arts and 18-19 classes of subject such as Math, Science, Social Studies, History, PE, Art and Music. For 7-9th grade students there are 7-8classes of Chinese language art and 18-19 classes of Math, Science, Social Studies, History, P.E. , Art and Music.
Extra activities provided at Lih-Jen are diverse. On Wednesdays children in each grade level choose club activities such as: Swimming, Chinese Martial Arts, Instrumental Music, Choir, Cooking, Chinese Calligraphy, Block Building, Science Project, Ceramic, Leadership Skill, Horseback Riding and ects..
Afterschool Program The classes offered after school hours are study hall for homework, sports, arts and critical thinking training.
Classroom Equipment and School Facilities Each classroom is equipped with one LCD TV, projector screen, ceiling mounted projector, and computer with access to Internet which helps teachers download necessary information. Each classroom is equipped with 2 air conditioners that keep the room temperature comfortable for students. The intercom system covers all the classrooms, administration and security office. The Health Center also provides periodic checkups for students including height and weight measuring. Students use the multi-purpose room for many fun competition games and performing arts. Students use the lab for Computer Science, Natural Science, Chemistry and Physics. The Cooking Club is taken place in the kitchen where there is a big working table and stoves and is always fun for K-9 students. The playground is where they take P.E. during recess.