編號 | 組別 | 照片 | 課程簡介 |
1 | 游泳 Swimming | | 游泳為最佳的全身運動,加上北市府教育局要求國小畢業生在畢業時需達到捷式(自由式)十五公尺以上本組除讓孩子學習游泳技能外,同時學習如何在水中自救及救人,是孩子生活中最重要的必備技能之ㄧ。
Swimming has always been an excellent form of exercise regardless of one’s age. According to the Department of Education, students must be able to swim 15 meters (freestyle) before finishing sixth grade. |
2 | 馬術 Horse Riding | | 學習騎馬能培養少年、青少年另一種優質、健康、獨特氣質與高尚的情操。常陪孩子一起來騎馬,能從平常與馬互動的話題中,培養許多與孩子間的親子關係,技能表現優異者將獲選為小騎兵。本學期安排至綠野馬術上課。
Horseback riding not only requires serious training, but is also a very elegant sport. Parents can also enjoy horseback-riding recreationally with their children. This semester, the class will be held at Beach Country Riding Club in Danshui (綠野馬術俱樂部).
3 | 武術 Martial Arts | | 中國武術的內容豐富多采,形式多樣,風格獨特;具有強身健體,防身自衛,鍛練意志,陶冶性情,競技比賽,娛樂觀賞,交流技藝,增進友誼的功能。本校武術隊自成立以來,參加台北市及全國多項比賽中榮獲無數的獎項,加入本組不僅是個人的榮譽,同時也為校爭光,歡迎加入我們的隊伍。
Chinese martial arts (wu shu) are diverse and unique in many ways. Studying martial arts not only helps the students learn how to protect themselves, but also builds character. Last but not least, the Lih-Jen Martial Arts club has won many awards in the past. Joining the club is a great honor and we can’t wait to make Lih-Jen proud with all of our new members! |
4 | 高爾夫球 Golf | | 本課程著重於培養青少年具有國際觀的高爾夫球運動知識與技術。展望世界放眼國際,高爾夫球已經成為全世界成功的人士建立人際關係最好的運動,開闊的高爾夫球場地更是培養成開闊的胸襟和寬廣視野的大好機會。本學期活動安排至內湖蓬萊球場練習,另有電腦化模擬課程,與現場推桿體驗,球具請自備。
By learning golf, students are able to broaden their horizons and gain social skills. Golf requires students to think before they act. The open area of the green offers unlimited possibilities to expand their point of view. This semester, class will be held at the Peng-Lai Driving Range in Nei Hu. *Golf clubs are not provided. |
5 | 扯鈴 Chinese Yo-Yo | | 扯鈴是中國傳統的民俗技藝之一,除了有怡情健身的功用之外,亦有增進生活情趣、調節身心、豐富休閒生活之效。扯鈴的基本動作簡單,有助於訓練手眼協調、身體平衡及鍛鍊耐力及意志力,傳統技藝的傳承是我們的當務之急,將中國傳統技藝發揚光大更是我們的民族使命!
The Chinese yo-yo is one of the few folk arts still being practiced today. During club time, not only will the students learn basic tricks, but also increase their hand-eye coordination. Lih-Jen is striving to keep this traditional folk art alive, and as the new generation, we encourage you to be a part of it. |
6 | 舞蹈 Dancing | | 這是一項融合了開放與細緻、優雅與性感的舞蹈組別,不但能夠幫助你從腳趾、腳踝、小腿、膝、臀部、腰部、手臂,甚至胸部,做小範圍的肌肉運動,還可以雕塑身材、調整曲線、姿態優美! The dance club focuses on building and strengthening individual muscles like the toes, ankles, knees, hips, and arms, etc… The exercise also helps students with their figures and postures. |
7 | 魔術 Magic | | 每個人都對魔術背後的祕密感到好奇,從魔術方塊到撲克牌的快手炫技樣樣令人驚嘆,魔術背後的創意及巧思更是令人著迷。當揭開謎底的那一剎那,總讓人有恍然大悟之感!魔術不僅挑戰你的反應,更挑戰你的智慧,MAGIC魔術組我來囉!! This club is perfect for the curious students. It teaches all the common tricks from illusions to cards. Knowing the secrets behind these tricks is even more fascinating. What are you waiting for? Come and join the club to challenge yourself! |
8 | 絃樂團 Orchestra | | 立人弦樂團成軍歷史悠久,擔任學校重要活動表演、校際交流活動、國際親善訪問……等,常獲得滿堂彩的掌聲,弦樂團成員橫跨年級,個個熱情開朗、技藝精湛。音樂是孩子一輩子最好的朋友,生活處處有音符,人生至真!至善!至美! Lih-Jen’s Orchestra is a campus legacy. We have a great national reputation and have performed on numerous important occasions. By including students from different grades, the children practice communicating with each other as they enjoy the beauty of music. |
9 | 陶藝 Potter's clay | | 陶藝創作是悠久的生活藝術,也是技術融入生活最具體的表現。陶藝是將泥土的真實與火的熱情能量,做了美妙的結合,用現代的創作方式,教導孩子豐富且具體的呈現陶藝的風貌,本學期安排由專業陶藝老師上課。 Pottery has been an important part of civilization throughout the ages. During club time, a professional instructor from the ceramics field will teach our students how to present their passion through art. |
10 | 體育 Athletics | | 學體育的孩子不會變壞,當孩子懂得運用大腦,支配肢體,那也代表孩子學會了當自己的主人。在運動過程中,孩子除了練習反應、練習應變;更練習服從、練習合作……等,許孩子一個美麗的未來,就從運動開始吧! Kids who play sports are well-behaved. By playing different sports, they not only learn how to react and reflect, but more importantly how to follow instructions and cooperate. The sports club is definitely a wonderful option for students regardless of athletic experience. |
11 | 自然科學 Science | | 從孩子的眼光看世界,才能真正了解孩子需要的是什麼,深信從小朋友親自操作試驗,才能讓他們學習更多,讓學習變得更有趣,同時啟發孩子的創造思考能力。 自然科學組培養學生的觀察力及解決問題的能力,利用實驗、測量、觀察、紀錄…等科學研究的方法,讓學生理解自然現象及變化,自許能成為日常生活中最平凡的小小科學家。 Our science laboratory allows students to learn from doing different science experiments on their own. Observation makes learning interesting and develops skills like attention to detail and problem solving. |
12 | 採訪寫作 Journalist & composition | | 有系統的規劃學習作文的進程,讓孩子漸進的學習寫作的技巧,透過孩子思維的筆,將發揮得更淋漓盡致。學習進行記者編採與數位短片製作課程,學習新聞採訪、劇本、文章、影片的編輯技巧與寫作的優先順序。學生將有大量的機會去採訪同儕、師長、來賓。採訪內容將有可能刊登在校刊及網頁上喔! The Essay Writing Club is very organized. Students will be able to understand what good writing looks like, and further their own skills in writing as well. Writing skills are fundamental to excelling in the future. This upcoming semester, students will learn how to film and conduct interviews on the topic of their choice. Not only will students have the opportunity to edit an original piece, Lih-Jen might even utilize their finished products on the school’s website. |
13 | 空手道 Karate | | 空手道從武術普及為運動項目,所追求的是健康、防身、強身,除了外在的拳腳動作之外,也需要內在的修練。空手道修練者不只技術的練習,也必需結合力與美,進而成為一種藝術,因此在練習中體能、技巧、精神缺一不可,習武者不先動手,修身養性才是空手道練習者,從艱苦磨練的汗水中達到完善人格的目的。 Karate is a practice that develops character, skill, and one’s physical health. Students who learn karate improve their coordination and how to interact as a team. |
14 | 保齡球 Bowling | | 保齡球運動,是人類歷史上最悠久的體育運動,距今已有7200多年的歷史,在台灣曾經創造多少的輝煌歷史呢!這次特別聘請到2009聽障奧運獲5面金牌的國家級教練來指導學生如何快樂又正確的學習到保齡球技巧,輕鬆打出高分!歡迎來挑戰。 Bowling is the world’s oldest sport and Taiwan is famous for its bowling team. Lih-Jen is excited to invite the 2009 Deaf Olympics coach who has won five medals as our instructor. Bowling is both professional and fun! |
15 | 籃球隊 Basketball Team | | 籃球運動是目前全世界主流運動之一,最令大家耳熟能詳的莫過於NBA了,這項講求團隊合作結合個人優藝技能的運動,更令大家愛不釋手,期待代表學校對外參賽的同學們,這是一個鍛練與磨練自己的好機會,但必須先經過練習達到入隊標準喔! Basketball is a sport that allows a group of unique individuals to play as a team. Teamwork plays a huge role in basketball and it is a great way to get in shape. Due to a limited amount of space, tryouts will be held to determine who is qualified to join the team. |
16 | | | 機器人是未來科技上最倚賴的一環,不只是科學應用的一部份,如能連結基礎科學的應用,可有效的彌補一般課程教育不足的部分,未來是注重多重科學學習領域的,如STEM(Science、Technology、Engineering、Math)等,目標是透過多重科學的學習,從『玩中學、做中學、錯中學』中,培養科學人素養。 During the robotics club session, students will be able to learn all about technology while they have fun experimenting. Most of all, the students will be able to grow from their mistakes and not be afraid to fail. |
17 | 手做點心 Cooking & fun | | 英語這個語言是目前最普遍使用於世界各地,想學好英文當然要下一番工夫,本學期另開一個英語手做點心社團,除了能加強學生英語各方面的能力外,本校外師精心設計的課程,充滿樂趣的DIY手做點心,讓學生充分體驗食玩的樂趣。 The cooking club combines two of our students’ favorite passions: English and Food. Through learning how to make various desserts, members of the cooking club will also further their English skills. Taught by our own experienced teachers at Lih-Jen, the cooking club is proud to present the joy of eating snacks created by one’s own hands. |
18 | 3D列印 3D Printing | | 3D列印是十大成長最快工業,當數位式思考翻轉為原子結構式思考,3D列印設計應用整合已是現在必備技能,平面設計在於2D轉成3D是完全不同的設計方式及設計邏輯,本課程從設計思考到生產製造完整的設計流程,讓孩子愛上3D設計。 3D printing is one of top ten fastest-growing industries, and is used to create various tools in our daily lives. The students at Lih-Jen will have the opportunity to experience the scientific wonder of 3D printing, as well as challenge their spatial reasoning and quantitative thinking skills. |
19 | | | 成立幼童軍社團目的為培養學童優良品格、充實豐富知能、增進健全身心、崇尚智仁勇兼備之青少年,訓練孩子們有良好的習慣和規律的生活,培養孩子們自治能力,使其成為社會上機智有用和負責的公民,並利用各種活動培養他們的品格,使之成為良好國民。 Cub Scout Club is to develop young children with good character, enrich their knowledge, foster their physical and mental health, advocate for both wisdom and bravery, build good habits and disciplined life-style, and cultivate children’s self-governing ability to become an useful and responsible citizen of the society through various activities. |
20 | | | 近年來,無人機的話題際應用一直都是科技教育的熱門話題,特別商請國內無人機系統製造領導廠商,量身訂製打造全球第一個校園社團無人機系列課程,深入淺出,自無人機的操作組裝至故障排除及維修,讓參與本社團的課程同學都能在安全且輕鬆的環境之下,入門無人機專業知識。在未來翔探科技更將設計高階無人機設計課程,以3D列印技術及程式撰寫開發,讓本校學生在熟悉無人機的知識後,更能發揮想像力,以自己的想法結合實務來設計出屬於自己的無人機來開拓視野、翱翔天空。 In recent years, the application of drones has always been a hot topic in science and technology education. Lih-Jen International Private School invited one of the leading unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) system manufacture of Taiwan, to create series of courses. Besides operation of the drones, we also emphasized the skill of assembling and troubleshooting UAVs in a safe and relaxed environment. In the future, Aeroprobing Inc. will also design the advanced UAV design courses, with the 3D printing technology and software programming to enrich the drone education program. Students will be capable to express their |